Today, non-tariff barrier is becoming an obstacle to the whole world textiles and garments trade. 当前,非关税壁垒正成为全球纺织品服装贸易的障碍。
The ban was deemed a non-tariff barrier to trade. 这项禁令被视为非关税壁垒。
It is both blighted and positive that Non-tariff barrier affects foreign trade of China. 非关税壁垒对中国企业的外贸既有不良影响,又有积极影响。
Tariff and non-tariff barrier 关税壁垒和非关税壁垒
In international trade non-tariff barrier has become one major factor in influencing import and export. 在当今国际贸易中,非关税壁垒已成为影响一国进出口的主要因素。
Non-tariff barrier: Government measures other than tariffs to restrict imports. 非关税壁垒:政府为限制进口而采取的关税以外的措施。
With the highlight of environmental issues and international concerns for the health and safety of humans, animals and plants, green trade barrier has become the major non-tariff barrier to present international trade, especially that of agricultural products. 随着环境问题的上升和国际社会对人类、动物和植物的健康、安全等问题日益关注,绿色贸易措施已经成为当前国际贸易特别是农产品国际贸易面临的主要非关税壁垒。
Along with development and the establishment of GATT and WTO in multilateral trading negotiation promote, tariff barriers reduces gradually, the protective role of its trade had been replaced gradually with the non-tariff barrier mainly with technical barriers. 随着GATT和WTO的建立和发展,在多边贸易谈判的推动下,关税壁垒逐渐降低,其贸易保护的作用逐渐被以技术壁垒为主的非关税壁垒所取代。
As a result," moral barrier", a new non-tariff barrier proposed by developed countries, receives wide attention because of its strong and potential negative impact on foreign trade development. 发达国家提出的道德壁垒这种新的非关税壁垒,由于对发展中国家、特别是中国的外贸发展有着潜在的、巨大的负面影响而引起了广泛关注。
Therefore, "green barriers" as a new type of non-tariff barrier come with the tide of fashion. 于是,绿色壁垒作为一种新的非关税壁垒便应运而生。
Recently, in the international textile trade, green barrier of technical trade Barrier has gradually become a main non-tariff barrier. 近年来,在纺织品国际贸易中,技术贸易壁垒中的绿色壁垒已逐渐发展成为主要的非关税贸易壁垒。
The U.S. has formed a super trade protection network characterized by non-tariff barrier and regionalized economy. 美国已形成了以非关税壁垒和经济区域化为主要特征的超级贸易保护网。
In the negotiation of joining WTO, China promised to enlarge the market of farm products, reduce the tariff and cancel non-tariff barrier and allowance of foodstuff export step by step. 在加入WTO谈判中,我国承诺扩大农产品市场开放程度,降低关税,逐步取消非关税壁垒和粮食出口补贴等。
In modern international trade, technology barriers is a kind of non-tariff barrier countermeasure to limit product import through technical means, it features strongly technology-dependent, wide application, difficult prevention and etc. 在现代国际贸易中,技术壁垒是一种通过技术手段来限制商品进口的非关税壁垒措施,具有技术性强、适用广泛和难以预防等特点。
Green barrier is a new non-tariff barrier that has widely been used in the international trade. 绿色壁垒这种新型的非关税壁垒在国际贸易中得到越来越广泛的应用。
The World Trade Organization ( the WTO) is dedicated to reduce tariff, cancel non-tariff barrier and realize trade liberalization by multilateral trade negotiation. 世界贸易组织(WTO)致力于通过多边贸易谈判使各成员方不断降低关税,取消非关税壁垒,实现贸易自由化。
Between the new non-tariff barrier is situated between reasonable and is unreasonable, has characteristic and so on ambiguity, hiding, complexity, to imports the country and export country has the very strong economical effect. 新型非关税壁垒介于合理和不合理之间,具有双重性、隐蔽性、复杂性等特点,对进口国和出口国会产生很强的经济效应。
New non-tariff barrier type many, the development is rapid, at present already became the trade barrier the main form, and has already had the important influence to the world economics and the trade development. 新型非关税壁垒种类繁多,发展迅速,目前已经成为贸易壁垒的主要形式,并且对世界经济和贸易的发展已经产生了重要影响。
Therefore, it's of great significance to research on the industry's development and find some useful solutions to the non-tariff barrier. 因此,深入研究我国纺织服装业的发展现状,探寻纺织品服装跨越非关税壁垒的有效对策,具有重大理论和现实意义。
New non-tariff barrier's economic efficiency and its influence analysis 新型非关税壁垒的经济效应及其影响分析
With the development of global free trade, the technical barrier to trade in non-tariff barrier plays an important role in international trade. 随着全球贸易自由化的发展,非关税壁垒中的技术贸易壁垒在国际贸易壁垒中作用越来越重要。
The new non-tariff barrier, including the technical barrier, the environment barrier and the social barrier, is the trade protectionism in the economical reality reflection. 新型非关税壁垒,包括技术壁垒、环境壁垒和社会壁垒,是贸易保护主义在经济中的现实反映。
With China's entry into WTO and abolishment of textile quota, green trade barrier, the non-tariff barrier, has growing into a main trade barrier which developed countries throw in export of China's textiles. 随着中国加入WTO以及纺织品配额的取消,绿色贸易壁垒这一非关税壁垒逐渐成为发达国家对我国纺织品出口设置的主要贸易障碍。
Nowadays in the world, free trade has become the mainstream of the world economy; it is the main topic among countries to lower the tariff and non-tariff barrier during the bilateral and multilateral discussion. 当今世界,贸易自由化成为世界经济发展的主流,降低关税和非关税壁垒成为各国双边和多边谈判的主要议题。
Countermeasures of Textiles and Garments Export of Our Country Facing with Non-Tariff Barrier 面对非关税壁垒我国纺织品服装出口的对策分析
The intellectual property has become the major non-tariff barrier. 知识产权己经成为跨国公司对付发展中国家的主要的非关税壁垒。
On the other hand, with the economic globalization and in the trade liberalization tide, since the use of customs duty and the traditional non-tariff barrier receives more and more limitation, trade protectionists have pursued new trade protection tools. 另一方面,在经济全球化和贸易自由化的浪潮中,传统关税和非关税壁垒的使用受到了越来越多的限制,贸易保护主义者转而寻求新的贸易保护工具。
Second, emphasizing the effectiveness of recessive non-tariff barrier. 其次要强化隐性非关税壁垒的作用。
Anti-dumping mechanism has altered its role from the security system of fair competition in international trade to an instrument for trade protectionism. In fact, anti-dumping measure has been a non-tariff barrier, which hindering the development of international trade. 反倾销制度从国际贸易公平竞争的制度保障,转变为各国的贸易保护工具,反倾销措施已经实际成为阻碍国际贸易发展的非关税壁垒。